The All Blacks Sevens star is a class act for two young fans

Sevens star is a class act for two young fans; Black Ferns Sevens star Shire Kaka made a young fan’s day last month with a gesture that was never intended to make headlines. After winning the cup final at the prestigious Hong Kong Sevens, Kaka threw his winnings at a fan.

Kaka, recognized as the tournament’s best and fairest after defeating the United States in that decisive match, agrees with the children that if they capture the medal, it will be theirs to keep.

The kid in the Australia jersey grabbed the winner’s medallion and probably took it home. It was an incredible gesture from the Olympic gold medalist but one that was never meant to attract public attention.

The All Blacks Sevens star is a class act for two young fans

At this time, the reporter asked the uncle, how did you hear? New Zealand’s Kelsey Tenetti did something similar after winning the Los Angeles final earlier in the season, according to someone on Facebook.

All Blacks Sevens Tone Ng Shiu is the latest Kiwi to give back to SVNS fans with a meaningful gesture and remains humble when asked about the next moment. Fans often ask for selfies or autographs but Ng Xiu goes above and beyond for the two kids.

“Two kids were begging the boys to sign two of their jerseys so we tried to return the jerseys and get the kids back,” Ng Shu told RugbyPass.

“Just a little something to remember because we looked up to a lot of people when we were younger so hopefully it makes their day, their weekend.”

The All Blacks Sevens star is a class act for two young fans

The All Blacks Sevens star is a class act for two young fans

Ng Shiu crossed this writer’s jersey on the second day in Singapore. The shirt was signed by the squad before returning to the stands at the National Stadium.

Although Ng Shiu himself did not find the children, SVNS Singapore staff later identified the children and returned the shirts covered with the rugby heroes’ signatures.

But much like Kaka’s moment of generosity at Hong Kong Stadium, Ng Shiu didn’t over-hype when asked about the class act, instead talking about the importance of giving back and the meaning behind it.

Ng Shui was a class act on and off the field as the All Blacks starred in New Zealand’s second successive Cup final victory in seven seasons. After winning the Hong Kong Sevens, the Kiwis backed that effort in Singapore.

The Kiwis faced the Irish in the final match of the tournament. Ireland defeated the All Blacks Sevens for the first time in the series at SVNS Cape Town in December.

Leroy Carter, Fehi Fineanganofo and Dylan Collier all helped build a slim lead on the scoresheet and the men in black did well enough to survive a last-ditch attempt to steal from the Irish.

Ireland were given an attacking scrum with about 30 seconds to play and they risked breaking the line a couple of times, with the Kiwis awarded a penalty on the break for the final possession.


Andrew Neustubb started the celebration by booting the ball high into the stands.



“It’s good to win with the boys. It’s very good. Sevens star is a class act for two young fans


“We just focus on ourselves, you know? The here and now,” he added. Sevens star is a class act for two young fans

“We won Singapore. Obviously, we will accept (Argentina winning the league) because they were the most continental in the series but we are enjoying the moment.”


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