PGA Tour Putting Statistics: An In-Depth Analysis

Pga tour putting statisticsThe PGA Tour is renowned for its elite level of competition, with the world’s best golfers showcasing their skills across various tournaments.

pga tour putting statistics
pga tour putting statistics

Among the various aspects of golf, putting is a critical component that can make or break a player’s game.

Effective putting is often the difference between a good round and a great round, and consequently, understanding putting statistics is crucial for both players and enthusiasts alike.

This article delves into the key putting statistics on the PGA Tour, shedding light on their significance and impact on the game.

Key Putting Statistics

1.Strokes Gained: Putting (SG: Putting)

Strokes Gained: Putting is a comprehensive metric that quantifies a player’s putting performance relative to the field. Developed by Mark Broadie, this statistic measures how many strokes a player gains or loses on the greens compared to the average PGA Tour player.

A positive SG: Putting indicates a player is outperforming the average, while a negative value suggests the opposite. This statistic is pga tour putting statistics considered one of the most accurate indicators of a player’s putting prowess as it accounts for the difficulty of each putt.

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2.Putting Average (Putts per GIR)

Putting Average, or Putts per Green in Regulation (GIR), calculates the average number of putts taken when a player reaches the green in regulation.

This statistic gives an insight into a player’s efficiency in converting birdie opportunities. A lower putting average indicates better performance, reflecting a player’s ability to capitalize on their approach shots.

3.One-Putt Percentage

One-Putt Percentage measures the frequency with which a player requires only one putt to hole out after reaching the green. This statistic is crucial in evaluating a player’s ability to make putts from various distances, especially those critical for saving par or making birdies.

High one-putt percentages often correlate with higher leaderboard positions, showcasing the player’s clutch putting skills.

4.Three-Putt Avoidance

Three-Putt Avoidance tracks how often a player takes three or more putts to hole out after reaching the green. This statistic is essential for understanding a player’s consistency and ability to avoid costly mistakes.

A lower percentage indicates better performance, as frequent three-putts can pga tour putting statistics significantly hinder a player’s score.

5.Average Distance of Putts Made

This statistic records the average length of putts a player successfully holes.

It reflects a player’s capability to make putts from various distances, emphasizing their precision and confidence on the greens.

Players with a high average distance of putts made are often regarded as exceptional putters who can handle pressure situations effectively.

The Impact of Putting Statistics on Performance

Putting statistics play a crucial role in determining a player’s overall performance and success on the PGA Tour. Effective putting can compensate for less-than-stellar driving or approach shots, making it a vital aspect of a well-rounded game.

For instance, a player with a high SG: Putting is likely to score better even if their tee-to-green game is not among the best. Conversely, players who struggle with putting often find it challenging to contend for titles, regardless of their pga tour putting statistics ball-striking abilities.

Pga Tour Putting Statistics

Key Putting Statistics
pga tour putting statistics

Case Studies

1.Jordan Spieth

Jordan Spieth is renowned for his exceptional putting skills, particularly during his dominant 2015 season. Spieth led the PGA Tour in several putting statistics, including SG: Putting and One-Putt Percentage.

His prowess on the greens was a significant factor in his victories at the Masters and the U.S. Open that year, showcasing the importance of putting in achieving success.

2.Dustin Johnson

Known primarily for his powerful driving, Dustin Johnson has also made significant strides in his putting game. Improvements in his SG: Putting and Three-Putt Avoidance have contributed to his consistency and success in recent years.

Johnson’s ability to enhance his putting statistics has been instrumental in securing multiple titles, including the 2020 Masters.


Understanding and analyzing putting statistics is essential for grasping the intricacies of a player’s performance on the PGA Tour.

Metrics such as Strokes Gained: Putting, Putting Average, One-Putt Percentage, Three-Putt Avoidance, and Average Distance of Putts Made provide valuable insights into a player’s strengths and weaknesses on the greens.

These statistics not only help players identify areas for improvement but also offer fans a deeper appreciation of the skill and precision required pga tour putting statistics to excel at the highest level of golf. As the game continues to evolve, the emphasis on putting performance remains a constant, underscoring its critical role in the pursuit of golfing excellence.

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