‘Kitshoff has been dominated…he’s certainly been exposed’ in 2024

Kitshoff has been dominated: Stephen Ferris has been hard at work after six months with the Irish province in Ulster in Steven Kitschoff’s performance.

Kitshoff has been dominated

Ulster have confirmed the South African loosehead will leave at the end of the season, two years shy of the conclusion of his contract, to rejoin URC rivals the Stormers.

Kitshoff has been dominated – who joined Ulster after winning his second World Cup with South Africa – made his debut shortly after against Glasgow Warriors, but failed to make the impact many had hoped for from the Rugby World Cup winner.

Former Ireland and Ulster back Ceri Ferris said that despite fans’ hopes that Kitschoff would significantly strengthen Ulster’s scrum, the prop had been uncomfortable in matches.

“There were rumors earlier that Ulster might try to take him off the wage bill even though he’s been in Northern Ireland for six months, I believe.

“It’s surprising because everyone was so excited about this double World Cup-winning loosehead prop who was going to bring so much to the table, Ulster was going to push and it didn’t happen.

According to Ferris, the problems in the scrum are not  Kitschoff’s responsibility, suggesting that co-ordination with teammates such as Rob Herring, Tom Stewart and Tom O’Toole have also faced problems.

Kitshoff has been dominated:

Kitshoff has been dominated and say “I’m not saying it’s down to him, whether it’s Rob Herring or Tom Stewart jostling with Tom O’Toole, they’re under a lot of pressure and under the pump and he (Kitshoff) has certainly been exposed. “

It is believed that Kitschoff’s departure was as much a money-saving exercise as a reflection of his performance. Ulster – who recently saw the departure of CEO Jonny Petrie and their head coach Dan McFarland – posted a loss of £900,000 last season and are under pressure to tighten their belts.

The Belfast-based province now face the unenviable task of finding a top-level loosehead to replace Kitschoff, made even more difficult by the fact that most of the top players have already left their clubs ahead of the 2024/25 season.

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