How many ping pong balls fit in a[ 747]

How many ping pong balls fit in a know the dimensions of a 747 and the area of ​​a ping pong ball are becoming more and more common.

How many ping pong balls fit in a
How many ping pong balls fit in a

How many ping pong balls fit in a Boeing 747?” Where do you start? And what do you say? Unfortunately, (or fortunately, if you know the dimensions of a 747 and the area of ​​a ping pong ball) such case study questions is becoming more common.

 How many tennis balls can you fit in a 747-Boeing?

How many ping pong balls fit in a first, we need to find the plane and the volume of the tennis ball.

Once we have these figures, we divide the volume of the plane by the tennis ball.

Formula of cylinder is = πr2h

How many ping pong balls fit in a an airplane has a radius of about 1 meter for the pilot (the height of the airplane is equal to a typical office floor) and a length of 33 meters (an airplane has 400 seats 10 seats in a row which gives us 40 rows) and adding another 10 rows) we have 50 rows for the pilot and the toilet.

How many ping pong balls fit in a[ 747]

The volume of the plane is 103m^3 or 33πm^3 or 33mπcm^3

Then, assuming that the radius of the tennis ball is 3.3 cm we can calculate the volume.

In that case, the volume of the tennis ball can be calculated using the spherical formula.

Volume of a sphere = (4πr3)/3

Finally, after dividing the volume of the plane by the tennis ball we arrive at 688,705.


So we can fit about 688,705 tennis balls in a Boeing 747.

How many ping pong balls fit in a the 747-400 has a passenger volume of 876 cubic meters and a cargo volume of 159 cubic meters, totaling 1035; Using the same method as Jack, this gives about 22,870,000 ping pong balls:

A fully fueled 747-400 filled with this many standard 2.7 gram ping pong balls would be very heavy! This is a great example of how various design concerns (notably the need for a circular fuselage as well as the need for aisles) outweigh the need for aircraft interior volume – i.e. much larger payloads in real-life situations.


Limited by weight rather than volume. Ideally, How many ping pong balls fit in a the weight and volume limits would be reached simultaneously, since extra volume translates to more surface area which translates to more skin friction drag, requiring more thrust and reducing fuel efficiency.

Given that this was an interview question (and one I’ve given in the past), the point of the question (for me, anyway) wasn’t so much whether people could estimate the volume of passenger and cargo space, then figure out the volume of a ping pong ball and give me a literal one. a day Give marks, but see what kind of aptitude questions the examiner will ask. In other words, how does the candidate *think* about this problem?

How many ping pong balls fit in a[ 747]

Estimating the number of ping pong balls that can fit on a Boeing 747 is a fun exercise in dimensional analysis and estimation:

Let’s say a standard ping pong ball is about 1.5 inches (about 3.81 cm) in diameter. The volume of a sphere is given by the formula 40 V = \frac{4}{3} \pi r^3 41 , where 40 r 41 is the radius of the sphere. For a ping pong ball with a diameter of 1.5 inches, the radius would be 0.75 inches (1.905 cm).


The volume of a ping pong ball will be approximately:

40 V_{\text{ping pong ball}} = \frac{4}{3} \pi (0.75)^3 \ about 3.976 41 cubic inches (about 65.2 cm³).

Next, we need to estimate the available cargo space on the Boeing 747. The cargo hold of a Boeing 747 can vary depending on the configuration and model of the plane. However, for rough estimation purposes, let’s say a Boeing 747 has a cargo hold volume of about 25,000 cubic feet (about 708 cubic meters).

To convert cargo hold volume to cubic inches, we multiply 40 by 12^3 41 (since 1 cubic foot equals 12 x 12 x 12 cubic inches). This gives us:

40 25,000 \text{ cubic feet} \ times (12 \text{ inches})^3 \ about 43,046,400 41 cubic inches.

Now, we can estimate the number of ping pong balls that can fit in the cargo hold by dividing the volume of the cargo hold by the volume of one ping pong ball:

40 \frac{43,046,400 \text{cubic inches}}{3.976 \text{ping pong balls per cubic inch}} is about 10,824,892 41.

So, with this rough estimate, you can fit about 10.8 million ping pong balls in the cargo hold of a Boeing 747.


See More-

ping pong balls

the dimension

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