Best Golf Training Aid For Swing Plane

Best golf training aid for swing plane, The Best Golf Training Aids for Swing Plane Achieving a perfect golf swing is the holy grail for golfers of all skill levels.

best golf training aid for swing plane
best golf training aid for swing plane

The swing plane, an imaginary flat surface on which the clubhead travels during the swing, is fundamental to executing consistent, accurate shots.

Many training aids promise to help golfers improve their swing plane, but which ones are truly effective? Let’s explore some of the best golf training aids available that can help you refine your swing plane and elevate your game.

1. Swing Plane Perfector

The Swing Plane Perfector is a highly regarded training aid designed by European Tour coach Hugh Marr. This simple yet effective tool consists of a set of adjustable rods that can be configured to match the desired swing plane.

The rods act as visual guides, helping golfers to see and feel the correct path of their club throughout the swing. This visual best golf training aid for swing plane feedback is crucial for ingraining muscle memory and ensuring that your swing follows the ideal plane.


  • Provides clear visual guidance.
  • Adjustable to suit different swing planes.
  • Portable and easy to set up.

How to Use:
Set up the Swing Plane Perfector on the practice range or at home. Adjust the rods to your preferred swing plane and practice swinging your club along the path defined by the rods. Consistent practice with this aid will help you internalize the correct swing plane.

2. PlaneSWING Golf Trainer

The PlaneSWING Golf Trainer is a comprehensive training system designed to help golfers of all levels. It features a large, circular frame that guides your swing along the correct plane.

The PlaneSWING includes an adjustable PowerSLIDER, which simulates the weight and feel of a real golf club, allowing you to develop the correct muscle memory for an on-plane swing.


  • Full-body workout, improving strength and flexibility.
  • Reinforces the correct swing plane.
  • Suitable for all ages and abilities.

How to Use:

Stand inside the PlaneSWING and grasp the PowerSLIDER. Swing the slider back and forth, ensuring it stays within the confines of the circular frame. This repetitive motion helps reinforce the correct swing plane and build muscle memory.

Best Golf Training Aid For Swing Plane

best golf training aid for swing plane
best golf training aid for swing plane

3. Tour Striker PlaneMate

The Tour Striker PlaneMate is an innovative training aid that combines resistance bands with a belt and club attachment. This system encourages a proper takeaway and best golf training aid for swing plane  maintains the correct swing plane throughout the swing.

The resistance bands provide immediate feedback if your swing deviates from the desired path, allowing for instant correction.


  • Immediate feedback on swing plane deviations.
  • Enhances muscle memory through resistance training.
  • Can be used during practice and actual swings.

How to Use:

Attach the PlaneMate to your waist and connect the resistance band to your club. Practice swinging while maintaining tension in the bands. The bands will help guide your club along the correct plane, providing feedback if you stray off course.

4. Eyeline Golf Speed Trap 2.0

The Eyeline Golf Speed Trap 2.0 is designed to help golfers improve their swing path and clubface alignment. It features a base with adjustable rods that create a narrow path for your club to travel through. This visual aid helps you maintain the correct swing plane and ensures that your clubface remains square to the target.


  • Visual and physical guide for swing path.
  • Improves both swing plane and clubface alignment.
  • Portable and easy to use.

How to Use:

Set up the Speed Trap on the ground and adjust the rods to your desired swing plane. Practice swinging your club through the narrow path without hitting the rods. This drill will help you develop a more consistent swing plane and better ball striking.

5. SKLZ Gold Flex Trainer

The SKLZ Gold Flex Trainer is a weighted, flexible shaft designed to best golf training aid for swing plane improve your swing tempo and strength. While it best golf training aid for swing plane  primarily focuses on tempo, its design helps promote a smooth, on-plane swing.

The exaggerated flex of the shaft forces you to maintain the correct swing path, providing immediate feedback if your swing plane is off.


  • Improves swing tempo and strength.
  • Promotes an on-plane swing through flexible shaft feedback.
  • Easy to use for warm-ups and practice.

How to Use:

Swing the Gold Flex Trainer back and forth, focusing on maintaining a smooth, rhythmic motion. The weight and flexibility of the trainer will naturally guide your swing along the correct plane, helping to develop muscle memory and improve your overall swing mechanics.

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